As an assistant practitioner, you’ll work as part of the wider health and social care team and have direct contact with patients, service users or clients providing high quality and compassionate care. Assistant practitioners work at a level above that of healthcare support workers and have a more in-depth understanding about factors that influence health and ill-health (e.g. anatomy and physiology).
Our apprenticeship programme aims to prepare staff to undertake the role of Assistant Practitioner within the healthcare sector by giving you the opportunity to:
- Develop practical ability in the skills laboratory and through work-based learning.
- Assess, plan and implement care delivery and make sound judgements about the effectiveness of the delivery.
- Evaluate and apply research findings.
- Gain personal and transferable skills including assessing & planning, problem solving & decision making, health promotion, interdisciplinary working, interpersonal skills and reflective practice.
Teaching and learning
Off-the-job training
- Apprentices undertaking an apprenticeship standard are required to undertake 20% off-the-job training; this is a requirement stipulated by government and must be facilitated by the employee. This component will be achieved through face-to-face teaching, blending learning, group study and clinical observations in practice. In addition to the face-to-face teaching days, the employer is expected to provide additional time for the apprentice to undertake the blended and independent learning.
- All modules need to be taken in the order specified.
- Whilst all modules are compulsory, they will be developed to include delivery for all staff in all health care settings, there will be elements that relate to specific service groups e.g. mental health, learning disability and children and young people. To address these differing service needs client specific groups will be used in sessions using a “flipped classroom” approach. Students will attend their place of work for the duration of the course.
Entry requirements
In order to be considered for entry to the course applicants will be required to meet the following:
- Employed in a role that meets the apprenticeship standard for assistant practitioner job profile – assistant practitioners work at a level above that of healthcare support workers. The assistant practitioner is a job title applied to a very wide variety of roles that have been developed locally by employers.
- Have their manager’s support
- Minimum of Level 2 English and Maths
Employer commitments
Care certificate
The apprentice is required to complete the care certificate during the induction of the apprenticeship if they do not already hold a completed care certificate. The employer is responsible for the delivery of statutory and mandatory training for the duration of the programme.
The employer will identify a supervisor in clinical practice who will support the apprentices learning in the clinical environment. LSBU staff will ensure the manager is kept informed of progress, achievements and issues as they arise. This may include visits to the place of work, phone/video calls etc. The employer will decide when the apprentice is ready for the end point assessment and will notify the Independent Assessor.
Literacy and numeracy
By the end of the programme it is a requirement that apprentices must have achieved Level 2 English and Maths. All students will be offered an initial assessment and diagnostic of their literacy and numeracy skills at the beginning of their study. Literacy and numeracy support and teaching will be based on an individual’s need and will be discussed with the apprentice and employer.
24 months including End Point Assessment (EPA).
Apprentices will be assessed on a modular basis and will experience assessment methods that reflect those they will take at end point assessment.
End Point Assessment (EPA)
In collaboration with Rapid Improvement, the employer will identify an end point organisation upon commencement of apprenticeship. Rapid Improvement is currently using NCFE.
This is conducted by an independent organisation and consists of:
- A multiple choice and short answer test
- An observation of practice undertaken in the workplace
- A reflective journal completed by the apprentice and an interview
The academic award is designed to prepare the apprentice for end point assessment, providing opportunities to practice these methods of assessment.
For more enquiries about this programme, please complete the form below and we will be in touch shortly.
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 24 weeks
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes